Even though it may seem early and the weather may still be cold, booking your Spring photo session two months before the start of Spring is always best. Especially for Spring sessions, my calendar seems to fill up rather quickly and all at once, and I just want to help ensure you get the session you want! Check out inspo below to help you choose when to schedule your session.
Cherry blossoms are up first! They usually peak towards the end of March/middle of April. It can be a little unpredictable, so with some flexibility, we schedule you and then move to the peak dates when needed. Other flowering trees, like dogwood and magnolia, join after. (The one con to this is that the grass is not grown in yet, so the ground can be a little muddy in some spots). However, there is more than one spot for cherry blossoms in Philly, so we can figure out how to accommodate the best location for you.
Once the end of April and early May starts, we usually find locations with growing or planted flowers to really capture the spring feel in the air. Late May and early June is when sessions mostly shift from flowers to the beautiful green grass that indicates the start of Summer.
If you know that you or your kids have seasonal allergies, early Spring might not be the best option for you, and we might consider waiting until early or mid Summer for your session.
Check out my blog “How to Get Your Kids Excited For Your Family Photos” to read about all my tips and tricks fro preparing for a family session!